Did you know that India is the world capital of impotence? In India talking about sex or sexual wellness is still considered taboo and that itself is a factor contributing to the rise in issue more than ever.
One of the most dominant sexual health issues in India is Erectile Dysfunction.
If survey data are to be believed, Erectile Dysfunction and its related problem faced in our country is,
♂ 30% of men below the age of 40 face erectile dysfunction
♂ 20 % of overall Men are facing this sexual issue
♂ 53% of them are not even aware of this problem
♂ 35% are not willing to talk due to shyness
♂ 78% of Women are aware of erectile dysfunction
♂ 21% of women are not sure if their partners satisfy them physically
♂ 28 percent of women might consider separation if their partner fails to make them happy
♂ 82% of Women would ask their partners to visit a doctor or expert.
What is ED?
ED is characterised by difficulties getting or keeping a good erection. Sexual health issues like ED can have many reasons where age is one of the common most factors for any person suffering from it. Where Diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, stress, and anxiety can be the additional causative factors.
Often under a pre-conceived notion, we solely blame men for it where little did we know that relationship issues between partners can also lead to erectile dysfunction. Improving your relationship might be one of the keys. It may be a good idea to find a sex therapist, marriage counselor, or health specialist to help.
AADAR recommends that in order to solve the problem we must find the root cause. Today with modern science, we know more than ever thus, instead of doing self-experiment or avoiding consultation due to the fear of being judged for your masculinity, reach experts for treatment.
Still nervous? shy? or afraid to be judged? Don't worry AADAR has got it covered. AADAR has a specialised panel of experts for your problems. Come and talk to us without hesitation as the entire consultation is designed to provide you best health advice judgement-free without disclosing your identity.