The pandemic taught us great things, the lessons of a lifetime. One of the great observations made by people was around gender role reversals and gender equality at large. While a large number of men were at home spending quality time with their families, a lot of women healthline workers were there on the frontline, helping the people of their country defeat this deadly virus. We all had a lot of time during the period of lockdown. We were able to clearly observe certain things, one of which was that gender equality starts at home. In this article, we at AADAR are trying to put before you the honest perspective of men on this topic. Let us understand what men think about this.
A lot of men were happy that they were able to spend so much quality time with their families. The Harvard Business review revealed that a large percentage of men accepted that they had never spent such a long time with their families. They were happy to make a lifetime of memories and are taking up role reversals well. Men will eventually understand the challenges a woman faces at home every day in managing her work, household chores, and giving attention to the children.
During the pandemic, men came to help and broke the traditional division of household responsibilities. A lot of men revealed that it was an enlightening experience and that they would like to contribute something, if not at least half, of the responsibilities that the ladies of the house bear. According to a survey, as the healthcare industry is female-dominated, men also accepted that they are ready to voluntarily opt for telework for days or even weeks after they have witnessed the workload of women.
Various interviews with female frontline workers were clear enough to explain how happy women were about this change that men are adopting. "It's not just about doing the dishes or feeding the kids, it's about understanding equal roles and breaking gender-responsibility stereotypes," says a frontline worker.
The fact that even after the restrictions of the pandemic have been removed in most parts of the world and people are getting back to their old normal, men are still on the lookout for opportunities where they can lend a helping hand to their partners is making this world a little better for women. This new perspective that men are adopting is a matter of appreciation.
AADAR supports all men who are bringing gender equality into their homes. We are proponents of gender equality. Men, it’s time to take action and lead the way to making this world a better place for our partners. Let us all come together to resound this.
AADAR is an ayurveda-driven, science-backed brand that has emerged as a digital platform for men so that they can voice their problems unapologetically and find ayurvedic solutions to all their lifestyle problems. We also have a range of ayurvedic medications and solutions for problems that women face. We support men who are bringing gender equality to society by taking small yet impactful steps at home. So men, keep doing the wonderful job that you are doing.
“MEN! Take a back seat and let the women hold the reign of the workforce for a bit”
“MEN! Let’s also LEAD women into this norm”